Friday, April 22, 2011

Forever Again!!!

Well it has been forever since I we have blogged and really had anything to blog about. I guess I need to play catch up for the past year +.
We have been doing well, still living in Roy and loving our house and back yard. The puppies are still the same but we did get an addition to our little family last June when we got a kitten. He is half Siamese and half bobcat (we aren't too sure about the bobcat part but it fits his personality).

Life was going pretty much the same except that in April of 2010 I started on the HCG diet and started loosing weight. That was one of the hardest things to do because of the limited number calorie and foods that I could eat. Long story short, in the end I lost 35 pounds. It felt wonderful!!! I started the second round of drops in late August working towards loosing the last 20 pounds when the drops stopped working. We were a little confused but decided to go off the drops and consult my doctor. I decided I didn't want any surprises when I went to the doctor so I took a pregnancy test the day before my appointment and it came back positive. I was so happy and scared at the same time because I didn't want to loose another pregnancy.

We were able to make it through the first and second trimesters without too many problems. I was sick the whole first trimester but the second was a breeze. The trouble started when I reached my third trimester. But that story is for another time. I feel that we are pretty caught up again and I hope to stay caught up this time.
Our kitty Marshmallow

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