Sunday, November 25, 2012

2012's Family Pictures

We would like to thank Shawn & Linda for taking time out of their busy schedule especially around the holiday season to drive up to Snow Basin with us and Linda taking our family pictures. The lodge was decorated beautifully and since it was early November the ski season hadn't started yet so we pretty much had the lodge to ourselves. Linda did such a wonderful job and we really appreciate all that she does for our family.
Nick, Luca & Shauna

Our little family

The Boys

This was our attempt as going retro

Posing in front of the fire

I love this one

I saw someone else doing this in a picture and thought it was cute, Nick was nice enough to humor me

Nick, Luca and Grandpa Shawn

Luca riding a moose

Happy Nick?!?

Nick is an awesome husband who promised me when we first got married that when we eventually got our own house he would put up Christmas lights because we weren't allowed to have Christmas lights on our house when I was growing up.  Nick is always so happy to put up the lights, the pictures show his joy.
Look at the professional job he is doing.

Such joy in that expression.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

We love our friends

Stefanie Lugo and her kids, Avram 7, Vesta 4 & Theron 1 1/2 came over and decorated sugar cookie. It seemed like Luca and Theron had more fun eating the frosting than decorating the cookies. Since it is November, we are so thankful for our friends.
Luca, Avram & Theron

Theron, Vesta, Avram & Luca

Little boys love cookies: Theron

Little Luca

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had a great time at the Guthrie Halloween party and Nick was able to be there and see Luca in all his Ewok glory. Linda made some great chili and I had fun making the root beer and watching Nick put the dry ice in and watch the kids get so excited. Nick had to leave on the morning of Halloween but I took Luca trick-or-treating anyway with his Grandma & Grandpa Guthrie. Grandpa Shawn wore out before Luca did.  It was a great time.
Ewok Nick and Luca 

Brooklyn and Luca 

Ewok Nick, Luca, Princess Grandma Linda, Brooklyn

Luca & Carson blowing on the root beer

Happy Luca

The girls (& Luca): Cindy, Linda, Parrish, Brooklyn, Shauna, Luca, Sharee & Katie

Wolverine Nick