Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had a great time at the Guthrie Halloween party and Nick was able to be there and see Luca in all his Ewok glory. Linda made some great chili and I had fun making the root beer and watching Nick put the dry ice in and watch the kids get so excited. Nick had to leave on the morning of Halloween but I took Luca trick-or-treating anyway with his Grandma & Grandpa Guthrie. Grandpa Shawn wore out before Luca did.  It was a great time.
Ewok Nick and Luca 

Brooklyn and Luca 

Ewok Nick, Luca, Princess Grandma Linda, Brooklyn

Luca & Carson blowing on the root beer

Happy Luca

The girls (& Luca): Cindy, Linda, Parrish, Brooklyn, Shauna, Luca, Sharee & Katie

Wolverine Nick

1 comment:

  1. I love checking your blog and there is a whole bunch of new posts! Looks like fall was a lot of fun!
