Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hiking Adam's Canyon

I did it!!! I hiked Adam's Canyon all the way to the waterfall.  Nick didn't believe I could do it but I proved him WRONG!!!  Luca had a great time, he loves hiking (well actually being carried in the pack), he probably thinks he is doing tons of work and that he is in charge. (He really is in charge)
Nick & the Luca monster

My boy's

We finally reach the waterfall

Me and my Luca

Happy Family

Didn't quite make it all the way down


  1. I love Adams canyon, good for you for doing it, its a killer. The pictures are great. And that baby sure is getting cuter by the minute cant wait to hug him at Christmas.

  2. shauna! your family is so beautiful. ;0) Love the pictures.
